INCI* Search

INCI = International Nomenclature Cosmetics Ingredients

With this free online data base, you have the opportunity to check your cosmetic's ingredients and get an overall picture of your favorite product.

Type a word or only the first letters of your INCI (ingredient)
Concerning CI/ INCI (colors): type CI, followed by the first number (without space in between).

Each INCI term (ingredient), that you will find in the data base is followed by its evaluation ranging from "very good" to "not recommended".

Further instructions

  • The research also gives a brief instruction about the ingredient's function (skin conditionner, preservative, etc) and the ingredient's nature & origin.
  • Ingredients, which are used in different forms, shall be evaluated in the same category.
    Like for instance the evaluations for PEGs, will be valid for all ingredients starting with "PEG".

What is the basis for the ingredient assessment system?

  • For its assessment of ingredients, the Truth about Cosmetics website relies on a range of official and independent scientific sources, including the following listed below. 
  • European cosmetics regulations (Regulation EC 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council) have been used as the overall basis for the assessment of ingredients. However, the site offers an assessment system that may differ from official European sources. The assessments proposed by the site do not replace official data, but are supported by various scientific studies or official international sources. Some ingredients authorised by European regulations are strongly criticised by numerous international scientific sources for being (potentially or proven) harmful to human health, animal health or the health of the planet. Several decades can pass between these sound scientific warnings and an official ban at European level, for example, which is why they remain relevant. 
  • Readers and consumers remain free to follow any recommendations or interpretations of these assessments. 
  • The components are updated and re-evaluated regularly, throughout the year.


Official agencies and opinions in France

  • ANSES (Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail),
  • ANSM (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products)
  • CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)

Official agencies and opinions in Europe

  • Opinions of the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) FINAL OPINION
  • ECHA (European Chemicals Agency)

And various official and independent sources at international level

  • BFR (Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung)
  • IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
  • SIN LIST (Substitute It Now-CHEMsEC)

As well as independent scientific studies and resources (PUBMED/ SKIN DEEP)



very good





not recommended

depends on the origin

Search by cosmetic ingredient:


*INCI = International Nomenclature Cosmetics Ingrédients


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