Welcome to the website that says it all about cosmetics

The website the truth about cosmetics, -with its various subjects, its critical product tests and most important of all its free online INCI search engine-, was created to respond to the public's need of transparent information concerning more or less controversial issues about cosmetics in general. Highlighting that the cosmetic industry is not always «as glamorous » as it appears to be.

The the very first version was the french website www.laveritesurlescosmetiques.com, was initially created by the german journalist Rita Stiens in 2009 followed by a former english & german version.The website was created as a continuation of the book's project, (with the same title), aiming to bring the message to a larger audience.

The situation may vary from one country to another, but the subject itself has been brought up in many different countries and cultures and needs continuous research and updates.

At the end of 2015, the entire website went over to another writer : Anne Dubost.

Learn more information about the website, Rita Stiens and Anne Dubost

INCI search*

With this free search engine and database you have the possibility to get more information about a specific ingredient or determine your favorite cosmetic's overall "profile".

Access to INCI search

*INCI = International Nomenclature Cosmetics Ingredients

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Beyond the Label - Unveiling the Hidden Dangers in Cosmetics : Why just going «fragrance free» isn’t enough

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Skin care during perimenopause

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Endocrine disruptors in cosmetics - how can we avoid them?

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Switching to non toxic beauty products, selection of face moisturizers

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